At 15 months, Emily can sign "more," "hungry," "thirsty," "all done," and "sleepy." She hasn't used any words regularly, except "buvuh" which means balloon (she gets super-excited when she see balloons or anything that looks like a balloon). She will (usually) follow directions when you tell her to do something she knows how to do and knows where the following things are in the house: her room, where she takes a bath, where she gets a new diaper, where drinks are and where outside is. She loves looking at and pointing to dogs and lights up when she sees one on TV or in person. She knows where her nose, feet, eyes and tongue are and occasionally knows her left foot from her right. She's such a smart girl!
3 weeks ago
she is such a smart girl! and a great way to start taking photos now!!
so where is the 16 month picture?
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