Lilypie Fourth Birthday tickers
Lilypie Second Birthday tickers

Friday, November 30, 2007

Thank you!

The test went well. It was just an ultrasound (where we got to see the baby jumping a little!) and a fingerprick for blood. We should have the results next Wednesday or Thursday. Thanks for your prayers!!

Thursday, November 29, 2007

12 weeks


I just have to brag on Phillip a little. Mesquite ISD (where he works, for those who don't know) has an award called Apple Corps. It's only given to a few teachers and it's a really big deal. The honorees are nominated by their peers. Well, Phillip just found out that he is an Apple Corps teacher! For those of you who know, this has been a hard year for Phillip, so this should be quite a boost to him.

Congrats, honey!
Sara W was closest in the weight gain contest. But, actually I gained 0 pounds since my last visit on October 17!

In other news, tomorrow at 9:00 I will have a nuchal translucency screening. It's a routine test and I don't expect anything will be wrong, but I'm still a little nervous. Thankfully, Aunt Jenni will be there with me so at least I won't be alone. If you would, please say a little prayer for me then that I will be calm and not too nervous!

Wednesday, November 28, 2007

Our second appointment

Today's our second doctor appointment. Anyone want to hazard a guess on how much weight I've gained since the last visit? I'll post the answer later, but there's no prizes this time. Sorry! I'll have to think up something for a big prize at the end if you can correctly guess when we have the baby!

Saturday, November 24, 2007

Start spreading the news!

Okay, we've told family now, so it's time to start sharing with the world.

We went to Bronte for Thanksgiving and made our announcement on Thursday at lunch. Everyone was excited. Phillip called his grandpa since he couldn't be with us for lunch (he's had shingles and didn't want to get anyone sick).

Friday we came to Abilene and told my granddad at dinner. He was excited, but got very emotional, saying, "Mommy (Grandmommy) sure would be proud!"

In other news, we have a crib and changing table!

We climbed up in the attic and looked at the crib that Jenni and I used as babies and it follows enough of the safety guidlines for me. Mom and I put together enough to figure out how it works and see that it needs some repair work before we can actually use it. We'll work on getting that done, but all we'll need to buy in that respect is a new mattress. (I figured the one that's 30 years old and been in the attic or outside storeroom could really use replacing!)
The changing table has been consistently in use for the last 31 years, mostly as shelves or an entertainment center. But it is time, once again, to be used for its rightful purpose. My grandpa built this for my sister in 1976 so I figure it will work for our baby as well.

Wednesday, November 14, 2007

Quick update

So far, the baby has been pretty nice to me. I haven't really been sick, though there are moments when my stomach just isn't "right." But, I've made it this far. I suppose I can make it seven more months!

In other news, I had my first baby dream last night. In the dream we had a little...well, we had a baby!

Off to work...I've got a lot to do today.

Wednesday, November 7, 2007

The long-awaited picture

Or, at least, it was for us! (If you can't interpret, let me help....the black spot in the lower left part of the circle is the brain. The body goes up and to the right from the head. When this was taken, the baby was about 1" long.)

Tuesday, November 6, 2007

I'm so sick of crackers!! But, it's either eat crackers (or Pop Tarts, which have WAY more calories, fat, etc., than saltines) or get sick. I guess I'll keep buying saltines! Gotta keep something in my stomach. :-)

Monday, November 5, 2007

An eventful day...

Last Friday was one of the more eventful days since I've been pregnant. I was in a car wreck! Fortunately, I was not in my car and it was not my fault. My car was at the dealership for the 45,000 service so I was in a loaner car. I was on my way back to the dealership to pick up my car when a lady turned in front of me. I hit her and she says she was hurt so the ambulance & fire truck came to treat her. The police showed up to take our statements. She admitted that it was her fault and since she has insurance, her insurance will take care of getting the dealership's car fixed. I was not hurt, but I think I'll call my doctor today just to see if she wants to see me.

Update: I found out this morning, however, that the other driver is not insured after all. While she had a valid insurance card that didn't expire until next February, the collision center called her insurance company and found out that the customer cancelled the policy last May. (Yes, the card was valid for one year!) So, it looks like we'll get to pay our $250 uninsured motorist deductible (at least initially). We may take her to small claims court to try to get that reimbursed. We'll see what happens!