Thursday, July 31, 2008
Wednesday, July 30, 2008
Tuesday, July 29, 2008
Like Father, Like Daughter
Monday, July 28, 2008
Another picture
Saturday, July 26, 2008
Wednesday, July 23, 2008
Monday, July 21, 2008
Too big and a brag
Sunday, July 20, 2008
For those of you who want to know, here is what Emily's room looks like for the time being. The crib was damaged in the move so we're waiting to get that fixed. And, there will be pictures on the walls at some point. Please ignore the fact that the walls are a very ugly yellow. We hope to remedy that in the coming months.
From the door
From the closet
From the Pack 'n Play
From the rocker
Apparently, she didn't think Phillip could hold her pacifier in her mouth good enough so she had to help!
Thursday, July 17, 2008
Wednesday, July 16, 2008
Cloth diapers
5 weeks
I can't believe it's been five weeks! The time has really flown, but seems to be slowing down a little now that we're getting into a routine. After Emily has breakfast, I dress her then read to her. We read Peter Rabbit this morning and she just stared at me the whole time. What a great feeling!!!
A close-up of Emily's shirt...thanks, Aunt Jenni!
Friday, July 11, 2008
Lots of doings
Tuesday and Wednesday, my mom came down to help me continue unpacking. We got a LOT accomplished! All the rooms are mostly unpacked and settling is going well.
Yesterday was a big day. Phillip worked in the morning, as usual. (His hours during the summer are 7-1.) I got Emily up and fed and got everything together for our big outing. Emily had an appointment with the doctor in Brownwood at 1 so we left about 11:45 to get there. Even though she had a check up with the pediatrician in Dallas, we wanted to see someone here just to get established before her two-month check up. Dr. Scot Morris is an ACU grad and was highly recommended by several people so we chose to see him. He was great and really took his time with us and Emily. I think we're really going to like him.
After the appointment, we went to Wal-Mart. I fed Emily in the parking lot before we went in then we began our hour and a half-long journey. I forgot how much it costs to restock a kitchen after you move! We spent $350. That did include some things for the house that weren't just groceries, but we were also stocking up on things so we don't have to go as often. It takes a little more planning when you have to drive 45 minutes to get to a good grocery store!
This is what you get when you have a silly daddy! "King Tut" Emily
Today was a "finishing" day. I finished our bathroom and bedroom (excluding hanging pictures). It feels good to have it done, but I think I worked too much and didn't take enough time to sit and enjoy Emily. Actually, I've been doing a lot of that the past two weeks and I feel really bad for it. Maybe today will teach me that it's okay to just work for two or three hours a day and not kill myself trying to get the house settled NOW.
The other big thing is that today Emily is one month old. When we took these pictures, I didn't think to have a sign made that said she was one month old, but I'll try to remember that for next month.
Riding the bull
Enjoying my new wrist rattles...okay, so Emily really doesn't have a clue that they're even on her wrists!
Chillin' in my new hat and shades
A special thank you to Aunt Jenni for all the props in these pictures! Emily loves them!
Wednesday, July 9, 2008
4 weeks
Monday, July 7, 2008
3 Weeks and the Car Seat
The Car Seat
Now, for the story. Yesterday, we went to church in Ballinger. The church was fine, but smaller than we were expecting or hoping. We're going to try one in Coleman next week, I think. After church, we went to Phillip's parents' house for lunch. Just before we left, I fed Emily. She didn't really burp, but I didn't think too much of it because she doesn't always burp right away. We were 10 or 15 minutes down the road when we heard a sound from the backseat (yes, we make her ride by herself back there) that wasn't too good. I looked and she had just thrown up all over herself and her car seat. It was bound to happen one of these days! I didn't have an extra burp cloth (it got left at Phillip & Martha's by accident) and I didn't have an extra outfit for Emily to wear (she'd already had a leaky diaper so she was wearing the extra one I had in the diaper bag). She was a pretty good sport about sitting in a wet car seat in a wet onesie for the rest of the 45 minutes drive and didn't start crying until we were about 15 minutes from home. Car seat makers knew what they were doing when they made all the covers machine washable!!